Expertise Areas
AIRPORT OF URUGUAIANA/RS - INFRAERO - New asphalt coating of the runway and the airport's access/service roads. AIRPORT OF MOSTARDAS/RS - DAER - Earth moving, drainage work, asphalt paving and ancillary construction work at the airport. FLYING CLUB OF ELDORADO DO SUL/RS - Construction of the Flying Club, including the administration building, cafeteria, school, dorms, primary coating of 1600 m long landing strip and taxiway. LANDING FIELD OF ALEGRETE/RS - DAE - Implementation and paving of the landing field, including earth moving, drainage and asphalt paving work. Warehouses and Silos SILO CONSTRUCTION AT THE PORTO ALEGRE WHARF/RS - CESA - In reinforced concrete, with a grain elevator with 10,000 t capacity, including a 42 m high center tower fitted with eighteen Ø 6 m, 25 m high cells. SILO CONSTRUCTION AT THE PORT OF PARANAGUÁ/PR - PORTOBRÁS - Bulk-handling complex including reinforced concrete silos to store and move grains, with a static capacity for 100,000 t, buildings and equipment towers, reception hoppers, a grain weighing device, reception and shipping system capable to embark up to 3000 t/h. CONSTRUCTION OF A SILO AND BULK STORAGE WAREHOUSE IN ESTRELA/RS, CESA/PORTOBRÁS - Grain storage warehouse containing truck reception hopper with a capacity of 100 t/h; regulation silo containing a truck-rail reception hopper with a capacity of 400 t/h; an equipment tower; a processing center and silo comprising 27 cells and 12 reinforced concrete in-between cells. SILO CONSTRUCTION IN UBERLÂNDIA/MG - CASEMG - In reinforced concrete, with a static capacity of 20,000 tons of stored grains, with vertical cells built using the sliding mold process. Dams and Locks BOM RETIRO DO SUL/RS, DEPRC - Built on the Taquari River in Bom Retiro do Sul/RS, highlighting the 17 meters wide and 120 meters long lock, including 472 meters in continuous docking along the left bank. ANEL DE DOM MARCO - DNPVN - Built on the Jacuí River, Rio Pardo/RS, including dam, locks, fish ladder, and river channeling works. FANDANGO - PORTOBRÁS - Construction comprising the dam, locks and bridge over the Jacuí River in Cachoeira do Sul/RS. Remotely controlled "Aubert" type moving dam, and fixed concrete dam. 15m x 100m lock (5m fall), 180 m, 850 t steel framed highway bridge. AMARÓPOLIS - DNPVN - Built on the Jacuí River, Butiá/RS, comprises a 200 m long reinforced concrete dam, 2 moving passages, 17m x 120m locks (5m fall), 828 m rockfilled dike. Construction CONSTRUCTION OF THE "METROPOLITAN CONDO" COMPLEX - Moinhos de Vento district in Porto Alegre/RS. Pre-fab Constructions CHILDREN'S FULL CARE CENTERS (CENTROS DE ATENÇAO INTEGRAL À CRIANÇA - CAICs) - BRAZILIAN MINISTRY OF EDUCATION - Construction of Children's Full Care Centers in several Rio Grande do Sul cities and the pre-molded product factory, totaling 130,159m² in area built. Women's Philadelphia Eagles Green Team Scarf,Miami Dolphins Ryan Tannehill Cheap Jerseys china Player Action Bobblehead
Power PRESIDENTE MÉDICI THERMAL POWER PLANT - PHASE B - CEEE/RS - Construction work, especially the 150 meters-high reinforced concrete stack and the hyperbole-shaped cooling tower standing 133 meters high and covering 124 meters in diameter at its base. EXPANSION OF THE PRESIDENTE MÉDICI THERMAL POWER PLANT - PHASE C - CGTEE/RS - Power plant expansion construction work. Capacity to generate 350MW of power. The main structures built by the company are the 200 meters-high reinforced concrete stack, the cooling tower and the steel framed main building. Gas Pipelines and Crude-Oil Pipelines GASBOL - GAS PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION BRASIL-BOLÍVIA, PETROBRÁS - Section XII - Biguaçu/SC - Criciuma/SC, Ø 18" carbon steel, 180 km long. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CRUDE-OIL SÃO FRANCISCO DO SUL/SC - ARAUCÁRIA/PR PIPELINE, PETROBRÁS - Ø 30" and 33" carbon steel, 120 km long. NATURAL GAS DISTRIBUTION IN THE MOUNTAIN AND METROPOLITAN AREAS OF RIO GRANDE DO SUL (SULGÁS) - Works to expand natural gas distribution to factories and households. 55.5 km long in carbon steel pipes, Ø 4" to 6", in the cities of Farroupilha, Carlos Barbosa, Garibaldi and Bento Gonçalves, and natural gas distribution branches in the metropolitan area with Ø 2" to 6" pipes, catering to households, factories and shops. HV Transmission Lines CONSTRUCTION OF THE UHE COARACY NUNES TRANSMISSION LINES, ELETRONORTE, AMAPÁ - 133 km line and 349 galvanized steel towers. Special Constructions CONSTRUCTION OF A CULTURAL CENTER - PARADE LANE - SMOV/POA - Porto Alegre/RS "Sambadrome", comprising the parade lane and adjacent ways, including earth moving work and asphalt paving. INFRASTRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION AT THE TOLL PLAZA IN CHARQUEADAS/RS - BR 290/RS - METROVIAS S.A. INFRASTRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION AT THE TOLL PLAZA IN BOM RETIRO DO SUL/RS - 386/RS - SULVIAS S.A. Industrial Constructions INFRASTRUCTURE TO IMPLEMENT THE GENERAL MOTORS AUTOMOTIVE PLANT - DAER - In Gravataí/RS, comprising over 13 million cubic meters of earth moved, road drainage and asphalt paving. INFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE NEW IPIRANGA PETROQUÍMICA S/A MANUFACTURING PLANT - SOUTHERN PETROCHEMICAL COMPLEX - TRIUNFO/RS, - Earth moving: 600,000 m³; road drainage and asphalt paving. Constructions Abroad DUPLICATION OF RUTA 200 - INTERBEACHES - ACESS FROM MONTEVIDEO TO THE PUNTA DEL ESTE AND PIRIÁPOLIS BEACHES - Earth moving, drainage work and asphalt paving, 10 km long. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MONTEVIDEO BELT HIGHWAY - RUTA 102, MTOP URUGUAY - 10km long (two-way road), paved in Portland cement concrete, section Av. Instrucciones - road crossing with Ruta 08. The main work was the construction of the flyover on Ruta 08. DUPLICATION OF RUTA 01, MTOP URUGUAY - Montevidéo - Colônia - Sant Vásquez section, 25.3 km long. Earth moving, drainage work, Portland cement concrete paving, and signage. RECOVERY OF HIGHWAY No. 4 - MOPC PARAGUAY - Earth moving and asphalt paving work on Highway no. 04, San Ignácio - Pilar section, 56 km long. Bridges and Flyovers INTERLINK ACCESS AT THE PETROCHEMICAL COMPLEX - DNER/DNIT - Construction of an interlinked traffic system (four-leaf clover pattern) and flyover on BR386/RS, in the city of Triunfo/RS. BRIDGE AND FLYOVER ON RS/471 - ENVIRONMENTAL DETOUR, DAER - 142.50 m long flyover and 198.62 m long bridge over the Abranjo River, close to Encruzilhada do Sul/RS. FLYOVER 13 RAILROAD EF/491, MIN. OF THE ARMY, 1ST RAILWAY BAT. - Construction of 15 pillars using the sliding molds process, located between Passo Fundo/RS - Roca Sales/RS. Center pillars standing 134 m high. FLYOVER ON BR 116/RS - DNER/DNIT - In reinforced concrete, 527 meters long, district of Vila Scharlau, São Leopoldo/RS. Ports DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF A PRIVATE SEA TERMINAL - PONTA DO REDENTOR IN BELÉM/PA, SOTAVE - Water layer over 10 m deep. Including piers for 40,000 DWT ships, 26m long; 5,500 DWT ships, 175.35m long, and 144 m long concrete connecting bridge. TROMBETAS WHARF - MINERAÇÃO RIO NORTE - Infrastructure with piling and mesostructure of the out-track platform, at Trombetas - Oriximiná, state of Pará. Construction including a 202 m long access, pier and ship transporter/carrier with a 6000 t/h load capacity. Highways BR 101 SC - DNER/DNIT - EXPANSION OF THE SOUTHERN COMMON MARKET (MERCOSUL) CORRIDOR CAPACITY - 23.80 km long section from the road crossing with highway SC/470 up to the road crossing with highway SC/411, in Blumenau/SC, including construction of the BR 101 SC flyover near Blumenau. CREMA PROJECT - 1st STAGE - DNIT - Recovery and maintenance of Highways BR-468/472/392 RS. RESTORATION AND IMPROVEMENTS TO BR 116 RS - DNER/DNIT - Tapes - Camaquã section. ROAD DUPLICATION RS/122 AND 240, DAER-RS - 53 km long Scharlau - Bom Princípio - São Vendelino section. Includes the bridge over the Arroio Forromeco creek and the access detour to the cities of São Sebastião do Caí and Bom Princípio, jobs that required over 4 million cubic meters of earth to be moved. RS 471 - DAER/RS - IMPLEMENTATION AND RESTORATION - The road is a grain export artery all the way to the Port of Rio Grande/RS, along the Pantano Grande - Rio Camaquã 111 km long section, including more than 2 million cubic meters of earth moved. Sanitation CONSTRUCTION OF THE SEWER TREATMENT PLANT - ETE GRAVATAÍ/RS, CORSAN - 70 l/s flow rate, comprising the stabilization tank, dikes, chemical house and the electrical substation. PENSTOCK ON THE ARROIO AREIA CREEK, DNOS- PORTO ALEGRE/RS - Hydraulic works belonging to the city's "Flood Protection" system. 2060 m long and a 9m² double section. EXPANSION OF THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM AT THE TRIUNFO PETROCHEMICHAL COMPLEX/RS - CORSAN - Expansion of the pumping station, intake networks, pressured distribution, cast iron networks, PVC and HDPE piping, and spraying system. EXPANSION OF THE WATER TREATMENT STATION - ETA ALVORADA/RS, CORSAN - Reinforced concrete tanks, buildings, sludge tanks. Treatment flow rate doubled to 1600 l/s. ARROIO CHASQUEIRO CREEK IRRIGATION CHANNELS - ARROIO GRANDE/RS, SUDESUL - Construction of 9,900 m reinforced concrete channels. IMPLEMENTATION OF SEWAGE COLLECTION NETWORKS, SEWAGE PUMPING STATIONS, AND DISCHARGE LINES - CANOAS, ALVORADA AND VIAMÃO/RS, CORSANRio Grande do Sul State sanitation improvement program. Urban Ways IMPLEMENTATION AND PAVING OF THE III BELT HIGHWAY, SMOV/CITY ADMINISTRATION OF PORTO ALEGRE/RS - Construction included in the III Belt Highway program, section 7, Av. Teresópolis, connecting the southern and northern areas (AIRPORT) of the city. Portland cement concrete paving along 1,10 km. AV. EURÍPEDES BRASIL MILANO - CITY ADMINISTRATION OF ALEGRETE/RS - Earth moving work, construction of sewer networks, approximately 4.2km long asphalt paving. MPLEMENTATION OF AV. BEIRA RIO - SMOV/CITY ADMINISTRATION OF PORTO ALEGRE/RS - Located along the Guaíba River edge, between Usina do Gasômetro and Av. Ipiranga - downtown, approximately 3.5km long. DUPLICATION OF AV. ANTÔNIO DE CARVALHO - SMOV/CITY ADMINISTRATION OF PORTO ALEGRE/RS - Earth moving, drainage work, asphalt paving, signage and ancillary services along 2,300 m. |
Av. Independência, 1299 Conj.502 Fone:(55)(51)3311.3622 Fax:(55)(51)3311.3601 Porto Alegre/RS - Brazil ZIP 90035-077