On July 18, 1934, Brasília Obras Públicas S.A. was founded in the city of Rio de Janeiro, the Brazilian capital at the time. Since the company was founded it has been remarkably helping to advance Brazilian engineering by introducing new technologies and building large-scale construction projects. In 1976, incorporated Guaíba Obras Públicas S.A., a company from Porto Alegre, RS, created in 1963 and equally skilled in earth moving, paving and sanitation projects and construction work under high technical standards.

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Perform works with speed, quality and safety, meeting contractual commitments and the environment, always exceeding the expectations of customers, employees and shareholders.

Values and Principles
Focus on results
Valuing employees

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Av. Independência, 1299 Conj.502 Fone:(55)(51)3311.3622 Fax:(55)(51)3311.3601 Porto Alegre/RS - Brazil ZIP 90035-077